Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Katie & Polly as Captains

Getting in position

This past week we played against the Vienna Lighting team and Polly and I were captains. I think we did great and we all tried our very best! Anyway the game was tied 0 to 0 although we almost had 5 goals in the first half, and a couple more in the second half. And thanks to our goalies Kylie and Cate we were saved with a tie. I really love being captain, it is so much fun! And congratulations to our next 2 captains Megan K. and Janna. Thanks for a great game team, you all did great!!


Megan K. takes the corner

Monday, September 24, 2007

Business in Brambleton

After practice last Thursday night, 9/20, several of the players met at Froots in the Brambleton shopping center for smoothies. After having some fun, laughter, and even some singing at Froots, the girls walked around to several of the eating establishments to hand out sponsorship information to the managers/business owners. Their smiles and charisma were well received in each of the establishments. Hopefully we will soon enjoy the “froots” of their labor. The girls are excited about their next “business” adventure to take place on Saturday, September 29.